Hayes (Kent) Village Association Newsletter

For Our Community

ISSUE 33: 14 September 2024
Dear reader,

Welcome to our latest newsletter. I think summer is over. Going out this morning I was surprised how cold it was! I'm going to need gloves soon.
Anyway, enough of that, this week we highlight our local councillors' work to curb anti-social behaviour at the back of Iceland.
A Hayes Village Hall fundraiser to help maintain the hall and the September edition of Our News.
Don't forget the Open House at St. Mary's Church on the 21st & 22nd of this month.

Don't forget to 'Spread the News'

Stephen White
HKVA Newsletter

In this Issue

  • Councillors act to curb anti-social behaviour in Iceland car park

  • Hayes Village Hall Fundraiser
  • The September edition of OUR NEWS is here

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Councillors act to curb anti-social behaviour in Iceland car park

Earlier this year, your local Councillors became aware of anti-social behaviour occurring at night in the car park behind Iceland in Station Approach Hayes. This included people racing cars up and down the car park, tooting car horns, revving engines, shouting, throwing glass bottles around, taking nitrous oxide and leaving the silver canisters scattered around, and playing very loud music late at night.


Hayes Village Hall Fundraiser

Hayes Village Hall is holding a fundraiser on Sunday 3 November from 2-4 pm. This is in the form of a ticket-only old-fashioned afternoon tea with sandwiches, scones and cakes. Why not make up a table with your family or a few of your friends?


The September edition of OUR NEWS is here

We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of our newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales.

This newsletter contains advertising of third parties. Information contained herein does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Hayes (Kent) Village Association

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