The following open letter is the lead article in Bromley Council’s ‘Our Bromley e-newsletter’ which also includes links to Christmas arrangements regarding council services.
The following open letter is the lead article in Bromley Council’s ‘Our Bromley e-newsletter’ which also includes links to Christmas arrangements regarding council services.
A landscape gardener has warned that Bromley Council’s decision to temporarily close a tip will cause “horrendous” fly-tipping in the borough.A landscape gardener has warned that Bromley Council’s decision to temporarily close a tip will cause “horrendous” fly-tipping in the borough.
Motorists and residents are being warned to make sure that a vehicle is parked wholly on a drive without leaving part of the vehicle overhanging the pavement.
A proposal which could have seen large battery storage facilities developed on Green Belt land has been rejected.
Earlier this year, your local Councillors became aware of anti-social behaviour occurring at night in the car park behind Iceland in Station Approach Hayes. This included people racing cars up and down the car park, tooting car horns, engines revving, shouting, throwing glass bottles around, taking nitrous oxide and leaving the silver cannisters scattered around, and playing very loud music late at night.
Your Mayor of Bromley 2024 to 25, Councillor David Jefferys
The fast pace and wide range of events that I shared with you last month has continued. There were 56 events undertaken by the Mayor and Mayoress throughout July and a heavy programme for the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress as well.
Tree friends and residents are being thanked for their tree watering support, which adds to the council’s watering programme for newly planted trees, part of the Treemendous tree planting initiative.
Residents and park visitors can now share their feedback about the borough’s parks and open spaces by completing the council’s annual park user satisfaction survey, with feedback encouraged before the survey closes on Sunday 15 September 2024.
Hayes and Coney Hall’s Councillors have been allocated new appointments to Committees on the Council as the new Civic year begins.
The first of three weed treatment applications is scheduled to commence from Monday 29th April 2024.