Your weekly charity sector news. We are recruiting!

Annual General Meeting 2022/23

Date: 04th January, 6.00 – 7.00 pm, online. 

We are delighted to invite Members and Stakeholders to our AGM 2022/23. The AGM will take place in the presence of The Worshipful Mayor of the London Borough of Bromley, Councillor Mike Botting, where our Trustee Board and our Chief Executive, Christopher Evans, will be presenting Community Links Bromley’s accomplishments over the past year.

Download the agenda
Download the minutes of AGM 2021/22

We would love to see you there.  Please register here

Bromley Walk England Cities Challenge! 

After six weeks of activity, it’s all over. Our first Bromley Step Challenge concluded just before midnight on Sunday. Burlington Wanderers, a team led by Rotary Champion Brenda Parsons, completed a virtual walk around England’s cities. The team of 7 walked 2,837.6 km or 1763.2 miles over the period. Overall, the 64 participants covered 14,237 km or 20.6 million steps. The feedback from the Teams has been very positive with many reporting that the Challenge motivated them to be more active during the colder weather as well as helping colleagues and neighbours to bond (click on the image for more details).
We are planning a second longer Challenge in January. So if you are looking to get more active in the New Year or are considering stepping up to run a 10km race or further in the Spring, then this could be the motivation you need. And better still, it’s all FREE If you missed out on this Challenge but want to know more please email Steve to register your interest

Diversity Power List

Congratulations to CASPA’s Interim CEO, Sarah Towler who has been featured on the Diversity Power List at the Inclusive Awards 2023!
From athletes to actors, business leaders to entrepreneurs, famous faces to unsung community heroes, the list includes people from all walks of life and industries, showcasing outstanding bravery and dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion.
Sarah said: “I’m completely overwhelmed by the recognition and truly grateful for the light that this award will shine on CASPA the charity I’m proud to be CEO of. CASPA is a phenomenal charity that ensures the goals encompass efforts to facilitate social connection, raise awareness, empower self-advocacy and promote positivity and acceptance towards autistic people as well as helping the individual with their particular struggles and goals so that they can develop life skills and become the best and healthiest version of themselves. This award recognises this and will enable CASPA to continue to seek funding and opportunities for growth.”

You can view the full list here

Bromley Inclusive Multi Sports SEND Festival Save the date!

Access Sport is hosting an inclusive multi-sports festival on Saturday 17th February 2024.
This free event is for d/Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent children and young people and their families. Community clubs from Bromley will be delivering taster sessions including boxercise, tennis, Zumba, yoga, archery, football and much more. This is a great opportunity for families to try different sports and get involved in club sessions that take place locally during the week and weekends (click on the image for more details).

The registration link will be available soon.

Introduction to the Family Group Conference Coordinator Role

Date: 16th January 2024, 1030- 11.30 am, online.

Interested in exploring a new path, and potentially becoming a Family Group Conference Coordinator in 2024? This is the webinar for you.

Daybreak are specifically looking for Coordinators who can work in and around Bromley and Hackney supporting families to resolve problems together, for children at the edge of care and in partnership with the Local Authority and other community organisations. Come and meet the Daybreak team, and discover more about the field of Family Group Conferencing and what a self-employed career path in Coordination looks like.
More about an eventual role as Family Group Conference Coordinator can be found here
Follow this link for information and to book

Maximus Pioneer Program

Maximus is an organisation focused on providing health, employment, assessment, and networking services to people in the hopes of improving the lives of those in need. Maximus have recently launched a new employment aid programme called Work and ‘Health Pioneer Programme’ (Pioneer for short) and are utilising an outreach approach to find people who would benefit from the programme.  Maximus’ goal and main mission is improving people’s lives in the Community around us.
‘Pioneer’ is a free, voluntary employment aid programme designed to help those with employment barriers connect to jobs by pairing them with an employment advisor who will assist them in updating CVs, practising interview skills, developing action plans, and highlighting valuable workshops and activities for participants. This programme is specifically catered to those with disabilities, mental health difficulties, criminal backgrounds, carers, veterans, refugees, and other vulnerable groups.

Entry requirements are 18+, NIN and right to work in the UK in place, any of the conditions described above, not in receipt of Universal Credit.

Would you like a partnership advisor to engage with your clients/community? Please
contact Alberto Cioffi: or 07435817587.

Everything is connected in life: Art and Wellbeing
Gerald Moore Gallery is delighted to present Everything is Connected in Life: Art and Wellbeing, an exhibition that serves as a conclusion to the gallery’s 3-year Art Therapy and Wellbeing in Schools Project that was funded by Mottingham Big Local Refocused.

Private View: Thursday 11th January 6.00 – 8.30 pm.

The exhibition will run from 11th January to 3rd February 2024. The gallery is open to the public on Saturdays from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm (click on the image for more details).

Christmas 2023 events in the Borough

Get into the Christmas spirit by attending one (or more!) of these Festive events.

Christmas Collections
December is here and the Christmas Sleigh is ready to start taking Father Christmas and his trusty Elves around the streets of Bromley to bring some much-needed cheer to residents (click on the image for more details). Look out for the Sleigh in your area by checking the routes here

Christmas at Crystal Palace Park
Join Crystal Palace Park Trust for festive Sundays on the iconic Concert Platform, with free music and family activities on Sunday 17th December 2023.  As part of Crystal Palace Park Trust’s commitment to providing free events, the Trust has planned a series of free family workshops and concerts, bringing the community together at Christmas. More information here

Dementia Friendly choir
Join Home Instead for a Dementia Friendly choir service being held on 19th December. Free refreshments; everyone is welcome (click on the image for more details).

Celebrate Christmas at Neighbourhood Church
Join Neighbourhood Church, 12 Cromwell Rd, Beckenham BR3 4LW, for the Christmas events kick-off on Sunday 17th with their Carols around the Tree (click on the image for more details). Visit the website for more information

Fundraising news/events

Christmas donations
This Christmas Bromley & Croydon Women’s Aid (BCWA)are inviting their supporters to help survivors of domestic abuse by donating so BCWA can purchase supermarket vouchers for those in refuge. The gift of a supermarket voucher offers dignity and choice by helping survivors buy essential items to help them settle into a new home; supporting survivors as they continue in their journey to live independently; and giving survivors the chance to buy something special to brighten up the winter days, so they can celebrate the season in their way. Donate this Christmas

A Charity Night at the Theatre
 JusB Youth Charity has tickets available for the charity preview of Steel Magnolias at Bromley Little Theatre on Thursday 11th January 2024 at 7.45 pm. A classic and heart-warming comedy masterpiece based on a popular play and film in 1980s America.  Tickets: £10.  There is currently a good choice of seats on offer!  To reserve seats for this event,  please email All ticket sales will support the work of JusB.

Local events for your diary
We update our website’s local events calendar regularly. Events that are posted in this section every week can be found here 

If your organisation involves volunteers and you would like us to support you, please contact our Volunteer Development Manager, Fay Millen

  • 12 Days of Volunteering Opportunities

    Looking to make a positive impact in your community this festive season and beyond?  Our ’12 Days of Volunteering Opportunities’, were featured on our Facebook page, where we showcased a variety of volunteering opportunities from amazing charities in Bromley. 

    These opportunities are not just for the festive season, but you can get involved and make a difference throughout the year. Whether you’re passionate about supporting local families, helping those in need, or protecting the environment, there’s a volunteering opportunity that’s perfect for you.

    Day 1: Age UK Bromley & Greenwich
    Day 2: Bromley & District Talking Newspaper Association
    Day 3: NCT Beckenham and Borders
    Day 4: Festive Volunteering Opportunities
    Day 5: Invisible Palace
    Day 6: Rhiannon’s Cafe
    Day 7: Hope for the Young
    Day 8: Community House Bromley
    Day 9: Volunteering Recruitment Portal
    Day 10: Magpie Dance
    Day 11: Turn Around
    Day 12: Careplus Bromley

    If you’re interested in volunteering with any of our amazing charities, please visit our volunteer recruitment portal


Are you aged 16 – 25 and living in London?

Win £300, £200 or £100 for completing this quick survey. Just take 10 minutes, complete the survey, and have your say.
The survey closes on the 29th of January. Winners will be announced on the 30th of January 2024.

SMK Awards 2024 Nominations are open!
Each year, SMK celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners. SMK’s interest is in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously. What all nominees have in common is the determination to secure a specific change that will make things better.
What does SMK celebrate?

  • Campaigns drawn from across civil society, led by one or many, lead to change that benefits all.
  • Individuals or campaign groups that take on big organisations and challenge vested power.
  • The opportunity to learn which campaigns are winning and why

Application deadline: 31st January 2024.

Follow this link for more information

Local Jobs 

In this section, we only advertise paid jobs and senior volunteering roles (Trustee roles). For other volunteering roles please contact If you want to advertise your job, please send us the following information to 
  • Job Title (and a link on your website jobs page or a job description/advert.)
  • Salary/Type of Contract 
  • Hours
  • Closing Date
  • Logo to post on the advertisement 
We’d love to know how you get on, both as an applicant and for those recruiting. Please get in touch with us to let us know, by emailing

Hayes (Kent) Village Association

The Association was founded in 1933 to protect the interests of residents and preserve the local amenities.

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