Mapping and reporting street problems to the councils responsible for fixing them – anywhere in the UK.

What is FixMyStreet?

FixMyStreet is a map-based website and app by mySociety that helps people in the United Kingdom inform their local authority of problems needing their attention, such as potholes, broken streetlamps, etc. It is the UK instance of FixMyStreet.

FixMyStreet - report, view or discuss local problemsYou can use FixMyStreet to report street problems like potholes, broken streetlights or dangerous paving, anywhere in the London Borough of Bromley or across the whole of the UK..

All you have to do is mark where the problem is on a map, add a short description, and send it off. You don’t need to know who’s responsible for fixing the problem ­the website automatically sends it to the right place.

Your report is also displayed on the FixMyStreet website so that others can comment or leave advice. The council replies directly to you and is responsible for doing the actual fixing.

If you put your postcode in on the homepage, you can see all the problems that have recently been reported in your area ­ great for tracking what the biggest concerns are in your community.

FixMyStreet is an independent website, built by the charity mySociety. We wanted to make it easier to report problems in your community, even if you don’t know who those reports should go to.

So we made FixMyStreet. All you have to do is type in a UK postcode – or let the site locate you automatically – and describe your problem. Then we send your report to the people whose job it is to fix it.


Hayes (Kent) Village Association

The Association was founded in 1933 to protect the interests of residents and preserve the local amenities.

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