Hayes Village Hall

Hayes Village Hall
Hayes Village Hall, Hayes Street, Bromley BR2 7LE

The Hall is at the centre of Old Hayes, next to St Mary’s church, opposite the shops.

In 1927, Hayes Village Hall was built next to the church.

The Hayes Village Hall Trust was set up in 1928 to look after the Hall for the people of Hayes.

In 1882 the railway had come, with its station at the foot of the hill in the valley of the Bourne stream. “New” Hayes, mostly built in the 1930s, was built around the old village and the station.

In 1936, a smaller room was built next to the Hall; we know it now as the Annexe. In 1960 the original hall was enlarged and added to, the extension being dedicated as a 1939-45 war memorial.

The Hayes Village Hall Trust, set up by local groups acting together as Hayes Community Council, is an independent Charity, reporting to the Charity Commission.

The day-to-day running of the Hall is in the hands of a Management Committee, appointed at an annual meeting of Hayes Community Council.

Hayes (Kent) Village Association

The Association was founded in 1933 to protect the interests of residents and preserve the local amenities.

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