Main Committee

Beryl Grimani-Harrold


Stephen White


Charles Wimble


Naomi Evans

Communications & Press

Christine Maddy


Gill Janes

Insurance & LBBRF Liaison

Pat Grimani

Noticeboards & Poster Publicity

Peter Harrold

HKVA Review Editorial Committee

Julia Kingston

Front Garden Competition

Shirley Savage

HKVA Review Editorial Committee

Linda Gabriel

Hon. Legal Advisor

Keith Bailey

Hon. Auditor

Life Associates

Linda Gabriel, Pat Grimani, Beryl Grimani-Harrold, Peter Harrold, Stuart Howe, Sylvia Mack, Roger Manning, Brian McEwan, Diana Taylor, John & Janet Thompson, Sue Vincent-Townend, Jean Wilson, and Charles Wimble

Hayes (Kent) Village Association

The Association was founded in 1933 to protect the interests of residents and preserve the local amenities.

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